Wednesday, December 26, 2012

11/23/2012 - Kelly Bauer

Day 105 – Saturday – November 23, 2012
Today we begin our last transition of our 120 days together. Our backcountry days are officially over and we left Mexico to start preparing for our return trip home. We’ve transitioned many times as a group from Horn Field Campus back in August to now. We began by transitioning to living as traveling, homeless students when we said goodbye to our friends and family. After a month forming and storming in Canada, we transitioned back to civilization and front country living.
We thought Baja, California would never come but today it is officially over.
Today was also unlike any black Friday that I’ve ever had. Instead of leftover turkey and pie we a delicious meal prepared by the Qumiai people with fresh cheese and handmade tortillas. Instead of witnessing the buying frenzy of America’s culture on black Friday we took part in a Qumiai ceremony and learned about the arts and crafts of their culture. Instead of saying goodbye to family after the holidays, we said goodbye to our guide of the last month Francisco, who has become a part of our ECOEE family. And today we didn’t wait in line for door buster deals but waited in a line of cars for hours as vendors tried selling us oversized baskets, churros locos, and hello kitties before the border.
Adios Baja, California.

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