Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/10/13 Thunder and Tea

9.10.13                                  Thunder and Tea                              Andrew Busker

I awoke this morning to make breakfast but found myself moving around camp making sure people’s gear was secure before the storm came down on us.  When I laid in the tent during the bright flashes, rumbling thunder, and slamming rain, I realized that the last time I wrote in this journal we were also confined to our tents due to a storm.  I hoped this would not be a recurring theme.  The storm ended a few hours later, allowing everyone to rest a little more.  The sun came back and after a couple outdoor education lessons, we left our campsite around noon.
Today we paddled against the wind as we winded down the river.  We paddled slow, but steady.  We laughed, we sang, we shared moments from our pasts, and we created memories.  One of my favorite moments was when a bunch of us sang Bohemian Rhapsody and then later listened to Tyler share how he tried out for Jeoprody… twice.  Our last obstacle faced today was a portage around a small waterfall.  Since the day grew late and our bodies tired, we camped along the portage trail for the night.
After the tent was up, my cookgroup and I started dinner and a pot for tea.  It’s the simple things out here that really make a person thankful.  Up until today, we’ve had several days of good weather and everyone’s stuff was dry after the storm this morning.  During our debrief of the day, a rumble or two of thunder whispered in the distance.  My cookgroup and I heated up another round of hot water for tea and chatted outside as the thunder grew louder.
As I sit inside the tent, in a manner much like this morning, I am thankful for shelter, friends, and the comfort of tea.

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