Thursday, October 21, 2010


I’m baaaaack…..
Captains log – Earthdate, October 21st, 2010 AD. Blue Mountain Range.
It is cold. I stuff the clothes I am wearing tomorrow in to the foot of my sleeping bag before crawling in to my liner. While sewing some repairs in to my hat, I prick my cold index finger with the needle (twice). The sting, along with the tightness of my back and the blisters on my feet, remind me of how human I really am. Under a full, silver moon, I write this journal with barbershop songs streaming through my head. They slowly lull me to dreamland as I think about the day and what lies ahead. Today we learned how to make a natural shelter in this sort of habitat before taking a nice hike to Packsaddle Gap. This is something I have always wanted to do – as I tried and failed once long ago when I was a wee young laddie. Even though getting water to our campsite was nearly an hour round trip down and up a wicked drainage – it was a fine test of navigation skills. The group was in high spirits tonight as a potluck made for a fest of pastas and brownies. Not long after awarding “The Skirt” once again to ‘Kee-Nay-Nay’ (Keenan Sturm), it was back to business after the REA instructors informed us that they were leaving – leaving ECOEE 2010 to hike approximately 6.2 miles solo tomorrow. God be with us….
Denver Murphy

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