Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 30 - Nicki Smith

1 Sheep, 2 Sheep, 3 Sheep….. This is what a fraction of what happened today. We awoke to dark skies and our courageous LOD Corey took an extra moment of silence to remember those affected by 9/11. Being a veteran himself, he knew exactly what sacrifice it takes to serve this country. We thanked him and those who served by his side. But for the early morning that everyone had, it was not in vain, for we had a long journey ahead.

ECOEE was on the road by 7am and was headed off to the next stop. This stop was not new to us, and even for some of us this next stop was our second home. Some of us were excited to see some familiar faces and some just to have a stationary bed for a couple of days. It did not matter because the ride went quick. A stop for gas and food and we were finally back in Illinois. Unfortunately, when we arrived back to Horn Field our day wasn’t over. A food buy, gear cleaning and repairing took over for the next few hours. Stoves, bear ropes, Duluth bags, food bags, road kill, river bags, and personal gear was sorted, thrown out, or cleaned.

Our day was set after we all gathered up for debrief/brief. It was a night of internet, and phone calls home to our loved ones to have them hear of the adventures upon the English River and our travels to and from. And so after some writing I hit the sack and dream once again about sheep until tomorrow morning. Goodnight y’all and slept tight because this ECOEEian has had some journey’s in only 20 days.
Nicki Smith

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