Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 5 - Sarah Heller

August 17, 2011

Our last day at Horn started off early, but not bright.
We had to leave at 2am, and it definitely wasn’t light.

When we were ready to go, Jeff was nowhere to be found.
He was busy shutting down his house, so we had to run into town.

We started heading down the road, with our trailers in tow.
After travelling twenty miles, one canoe looked too low.

We had to pull over and get it strapped in tight.
This ended up being one of the things in our day that didn’t turn out right.

We proceeded on our way, with eleven hours left to go,
Our destination being in Northern Minnesota, don’t cha know!

We had to stop for fuel and stretch breaks while on the road.
After reaching Winona, we added four new canoes to our load.

Travelling further north, we were looking for an REI store,
But in the midst of Minneapolis/ St. Paul, we got lost more and more.

Finally we found it, and everyone let out a sigh.
We rushed into the store because there were things we needed to buy.

We had a set schedule to be done, but a little longer we did take.
We needed to get back on the road for our final destination at Moose Lake.

After arriving on the campground, we circled around the lot.
Finally we found our campsite and there were lessons to be taught.

Jeff showed us how to set up the cook stove and the washing stations too.
We learned of many new tasks that we had to know how to do.

Jen, Justin, and Nicki began preparing a delicious meal.
While everyone else set up tents and gave the campsite a feel.

Brittany fetched the water and Brandon, Tony, and Molly had to clean.
Katy lit the lanterns; my we make such a nice team.

Heather was in charge of the vans and trailers on our first long haul.

Steve is our grad student assistant, who is always there when we call.
We were led today by Corey, who has the stern leadership qualities one must possess.
Monica was the assistant leader who helped make the day a success.

After we finished dinner and all the dishes were put away,
We say on the ‘rocky’ ground and debriefed our entire day.

After the meetings everyone was getting tired and needed to get some shut eye.
Though some of us decided to go down to the dock and look at the starry sky.

It was a beautiful evening on the lake and we all had some fun,
But we had to get to bed because tomorrow there was more work to be done.

So for all of you out there reading, don’t you worry about this ECOEE ‘club’.
This is Sarah Heller signing off…Peace and Love.

“Promise me you’ll always remember…
You’re BRAVER than you believe,
and STRONGER than you seem,
and SMARTER than you think.”
-Christopher Robin

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