Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 39, Sep 18, 2012 - Dalton Schaller

Today everyone woke up in a new environment. We woke up in a cabin lying in beds aside from me and Jeremy. Jeremy slept on a couch and I slept on a pool chair. From there we packed our bags and loaded them in the trailer and car trunks. On the way to the train station I was able to have a nice conversation with Denice about being an outfitter and she gave me a lot of advice. Next, we got on the train and rode for about 5 hours towards Hawk Junction. On the train we were able to get some work done and take a good nap for most of us. Jeff even had a good conversation with some strangers on the train. After arriving at Hawk Junction, we loaded up the van and trailer and we finished our trip to Pancake Bay campgrounds. At Pancake Bay we set up tents and then left in the van for the best part of the day. We went to eat dinner at the Voyagers Lodge. Everyone was very excited because that beat the dehydrated veggies, fruit, and TVP that we had been eating for the past month. At the lodge we all ordered full dinners, most of which were burgers, and chowed down. We finished that trip by getting some gifts and then heading back to the campgrounds. After getting back we had debrief and brief. Then, we all went exploring and we played a great childhood game called woodchips. Now it is getting late and I am tired, so it is time to rest up for a day full of homework. Dalton Schaller

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