Saturday August 29, 2009/ Day 14
As we woke up this morning around 10:00am the rain was still puttering down on our tents. The late rise was much needed and appreciated, because it boosted our spirits tremendously. This was the first morning waking up in the backcountry. And besides the rain, everyone was pumped and raged about finally beginning our journey through Canada. After breakfast, Kim (the L.O.D.) had us meet on the beach so Jeff and Christine could teach us about some lesson plans that they set up. To start the lessons off, Christine taught us the importance and process of how to; take a dump, do the heresy squirts, poop, drop the log off at the lumber yard, etc. She had us all come up with different ways to say taking a dump, because the best way to teach this topic is to make it humorous. Next Jeff taught us about cleaning correctly, getting to the point that the solution to pollution is dilution. Finally that morning he finished his lessons off with stoves. The group had plenty of questions about the topic because of the problems they had with their stoves earlier. After lesson plans we set off for a much-needed lunch to replenish ourselves. When lunch was over we had a little time to drying, from the canoeing the day before, and to get done whatever we needed to get done and ourselves to make sure our clothes were hung up. By the time that was up, we set off to do a couple more lesson plans. The first topic of the second round of lessons was about, “the ten essential items you will need if you go on a day hike.” We split into three groups of four, and brainstormed the best possible items that were needed. We all then huddled up, explained, and agreed on our ten items. It turns out that we were ten for ten while comparing the expert’s list to ours. Jeff taught us how to make bear bags to finally end our lessons for the day. After he taught this he had us put it to the test. We practiced putting up our own bear bags with our cook groups. Soon following we had a nice debrief for Kim, and Josh (the new L.O.D.) told us that we were setting off and canoeing tomorrow to, go further down our river path, an set up camp in a new area. We had dinner after debrief, and for a while, Christine read us the journal from the day before. Then we were off to bed, anxious and ready for what tomorrow had in store for us.
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