Journal Entry Day 42 September 27th, 2009
Written by Sean Stowell
Knowing we push onward today made the late night and early morning much easier. We had the tastiest non-healthy breakfast that an ECOEE group has probably ever had. To celebrate Jeff’s belated birthday we had moose track ice cream, strawberry rhubarb pie, and German chocolate cake. Good thing this is not about getting in shape (Isn’t round a shape anyway?). Wanting to get out of Macomb & Illinois & Iowa & Nebraska (almost) I volunteered to be the first driver of our newly acquired minivan. After Driving for several hours we stopped at a rest stop and threw around the football. We took a short lunch and headed to Mormon Island State Recreation Area in Grand Island, Nebraska. While waiting for dinner some people set up tents, some set up slacklines, and some people disappeared. Dinner was great with a main course of a huge tamale pie.
My Quotes for today were:
“Leaders are not born. They are made. And they are made like anything else, HARDWORK. And that’s the price we will have to pay to achieve that goal or any goal”
Vince Lombardi
“Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings” Salvador Dali
“Adopt the pace of Nature, her secret is patience” Ralph Waldo Emerson
After Dinner we debriefed the day and Kim’s FOD experience. The day seemed to go better than I thought in retrospect. Kim’s questions for facilitating debrief were very timely and important. When Grant took over his questions were about what we needed to do to advance the group to the next level. So now everyone should know what they need to do….So how are you going to do it?? How are we going to do it?
And to quote a friend of mine:
It Ain’t Easy (NATHAN)
{But it’s worth it}(ME)
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