Friday, September 18, 2009, Day 33,
Today was bound to be a day of excitement and interest. So many things to wonder about, work for, and at the same time worry about. The wonder was how and when were we going to be able to finish evaluations, then do face to face briefings of evaluations with each other and Jeff and at the same time travel three miles full of possible portages and rapids. The work for, well, was simply working to do those things and the worry was finally facing the “roasting and toasting” from our peers that is evaluations.
With all of that being said the day, though confusing at times, went smooth and we came together as a group to accomplish so much. The feedback was constructive, the paddling was smooth, and the portages turned into being either runnable or lineable with a great among of teamwork speeding up the portage process of the two boats that chose to go that route.
Realizing this is officially the last night sleeping in the backcountry after we arrived at a beautiful beach of a campsite made me realize and appreciate a multitude of things. For one it dawned on me that we actually pulled this off as a group, sharing responsibilities as leaders and navigators and pulling our weight at everything else that needed to be done. Here we are one day away from leaving and despite occasional doubt we met the deadline and turned it in to a mere molehill of a mountain. For that I want to team drink the whole Coca-Cola I had earlier to this ECOEE 2009 for getting the job done. After much reflection and discussion with my tent-mates/makeshift group of cook-mates about the days events we finally busted out our much anticipated spaghetti dinner tossing in sauces and spices galore, anything that sounded relevant to a spaghetti meal, and somehow the “I don’t care what we eat” cook group made one heck of a meal. On top of that we teamed up for some amazing brownies collectively raising or attempting to raise the cooking opinions of Pete and myself. Tomorrow we hit the truly uncivilized civilization and realize again how a herd of moose, pack of wolves, and a flock of geese are more civilized than the entire human race will ever be.
Bye Shane Johnson
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