Day 58, 10/13/2009
After a bagel breakfast with all the fixin’s, Pete lead us to our 8:15am meeting with the Yosemite Institute Outdoor Education staff. They briefed the day on topics such as: weather, rock falls, Columbus day, and tomorrow’s meeting location. Then each of us broke off and paired up with an instructor. I had the absolute pleasure of spending the day with Robin and the Rockers. The Rockers were a 6th grade group from Presentation middle school in Sacramento. Robin was an Angel, sent down straight from Heaven!
Due to inclement weather, Robin made the decision to change the days itinerary. Since it was a geology day we first went to a sandy beach on the Merced river to play a game called, “Rockity, Rock, Rock, Rock”. This game was a blast, and taught the students about the rock cycle; as well as sedimentary, metamorphic, intrusive & extrusive igneous rocks. From there we went to Split Rock and Indian Caves to learn more about the geology of Yosemite.
After that we walked to the Awahnee hotel for lunch and designated journal entry time. Which Shane and I both agreed was a good idea. Then both of our groups joined up to play a game of toilet tag. At 3:20 class was over and ECOEE regrouped to head to our 4:30 meeting with Mara of the administration team. On the way there we made the best of the monsoonal rain by stomping in all of the biggest puddles we could find. After the meeting we went out for pizza; then headed to camp to tear down tents in the rain, and head south for Summit Adventure. That’s all for now. One love.
Matt McCabe