Wednesday, December 26, 2012

10/29/2012 - Jessica Sauer

S-witching from the front country into the backcountry

A-dapting to the environment, leader, and challenges

N-ew trails to hike that will push us each day.

P-acks that carry our lives for the weeks to come

E-lectricity is forgotten, and “real life” turns into faint memories

D-irt is no longer dirt, just an extra layer to keep us warm

R-ebuilding our group to work as one rather than 10

O-pening new doors to new lands we have not yet traveled

M-arching not to our own drum, but creating a new heartbeat that each of us can follow

A-cquiring new skills and testing our abilities and strengths

R-outes being discovered with each step we take

T-he last portion of our journey has already arrived, and I know we can make it our best adventures yet

I-ndividual challenges we will overcome as a group

R-ising and falling with the sun each day

S-ooner than we realize, our last few weeks will turn into our last few days

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Babygirl ❤xoxoMom&Dad