Saturday, November 24, 2012

October 3, 2012 - Jeremy Naberhaus

I awoke the morn under the empty sky’s, the smell of sage still strong on my hands. Who am I you ask? I am the hunter. What do we hunt you ask? My tribe and I hunt for information and knowledge. Today we hunted for information on the National Parks and how to interpret. My tribe and I hopped on the white stead, we named it Ford E 350, and it had power of many horses. Our first hunt was a bountiful one. Full of facts, advice and information. The best part was we did not have to ride far on our stead to get there. This was good for the stead was pulling a heavy wagon. The tribe and I went to continue the hunt for interpretation. But before we did we had to change the stead’s oil. The tribe and I had to go to hunting lands that we have never been to before. The tribe’s elder has told some tales of this hunting land before, but when the tribe asked specifics , the wise one would say; “what do you think?” the new hunting land was a strange and beautiful place. We found our prey for interpretation it was found in the form of Stephen. The tribe knew from the beginning that this prey would be weak and not fulfill their interpretation appetite due to the fact that his name was spelled with a PH instead of a V. After that we hopped back on the stead, and picked up the wagon and went back to camp. At camp we had a meal that tasted as if the gods themselves made it, and for deserts we ate cake of cheese made by the small funny talking one of the tribe. After that the tribe had a meeting then went to bed in the wig-woms Jeremy Naberhaus.

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