Sunday, October 24, 2010


As we pull into the Yosemite Region, the rain continues to fall for the third day in a row. Within a few days we each have seemed to experience the peaks and valleys of our own emotional roller coasters. In a world of constant activity and movement, a few rainy days confined to the van remind us of those long lost days called weekends. Speaking of weekends however, would you believe me if I told you we spent ours climbing mountains, hitting casinos, and standing front row at concerts?
The hump is over for ECOEE. With California comes our final list of destinations for the semester, and then we’re on our way back to Macomb. This once in a lifetime expedition is going to be over before we know it, and whether we leave with tears in our eyes or a chip on our shoulder is up to us. We all had our own reasons for coming on this trip, whether you were there from day one or joined with only a few weeks to prepare. If you have lost sight of those reasons for being on this trip, I sincerely hope you find yourself back to the path that brought you here. This trip is something that I at least plan on sharing with others for the rest of my life. I have no intentions of letting myself get stuck in these valleys, but rather rest on top of our peaks. Remember why you are here, and everything that has changed you since that morning sunrise on Highway 136 leaving Macomb. Remember the seven elements of love, and if you want a personal challenge try implementing them when it is hardest for you to do so. If you really can’t stand ECOEE anymore, suck it up and don’t bring anybody else down with you.
Just because the hump over does not mean that there are no more peaks to be conquered. Sure, the schoolwork is tough. But in no time we will be climbing in Joshua Tree, we’ll be sea kayaking in Baja, and we’ll be ending things with a bang. There is not much to be said about us that hasn’t already been brought up. Rather than picking each other apart, we should channel our energy into those aspects of love for one another. No matter how we feel right now, we all know that once we’re back in control of our lives, we are going to miss this chaos. Bangarang is not just our word, but a way of life. These past few days have been gloomy, but the sun is still shining, the birds are still singing, and it’s still a great day to be alive. Cheers


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