Josh/ Day 89/ 11-16-09
Today was our last day at Casa Azul. It was our last day to rest and glance at the beautiful view that Bay of L.A has to offer. The day was a little sad. Hitting the nail on the head with how the day felt was when we broke our good neighbor John’s botchy ball when we played our last game here in the sand. In a way it was kind of humorous, probably because I wasn’t the one who broke it. When we left Bay of L.A. we stopped for lunch at a restaurant and ate some great food talked and watched T.V. After we made our way to a campsite in the desert an hour south of Ensinada. We arrived there and the desert surroundings were very neat, especially when the stars came out. There is cacti everywhere, bushes, long singletree like plants, and mounds of rocks in different locations. It reminded me of a setting in Dr.Seuss. To end the night Pete started up debrief. He asked a good question to start it off. He asked, “what have you gotten out of our time in Baja California or out of this whole experience personally?” The whole group came up with many answers and reasons with a lot of insight. It was all quite moving. I felt it was a great way to end our very last night here in Mexico, and I know that we will never forget our time here for as long as we live.
Josh Boyer
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