Sunday, October 26, 2008

“GCNP to the Orme School”

Up super duper early to stuff our tents in the trailer and stuff our bellies with delightful chocolate chip and banana pancakes and delicious home-made applesauce made by Courtney and Emilie.

We hade everything cleaned up, put away and we were in the van by 7:40am. After three joyous hours in the van driving through beautiful Arizona we made it to the world renowned Orme School. Ooter’s boss Tim, his wife Suzie and Mike gave us a very informational tour of the campus and told us about the summer camp, school, marketing, scholarships and everything else that the Orme School has to offer.

After the tour we grabbed a quick lunch, dropped our stuff off at the cabins and took off for a hike to view the big mesa and some ancient Indian ruins. Some great lessons and teachable moments were given then we debriefed in a dried up wash and made it back in time for dinner. The lovely people at Orme let us join them for an amazing dinner and then it was off to do laundry for me. While doing laundry Steve and I had a great talk with Bruce, the physics teacher and then off to bed for the both of us.


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